


Unit 3 1.1

Road to my personal media carrier ‘social media’ (Week 6 Unit 3)


In this sessions we discussed the means of social media in how they could be used for for marketing, promotion and the networking and how they will help the promotion of my game. We discussed what we are going to do according to social media and we arranged how was was going to make our game known by the media to get a good enough audience for our game to make profit.

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Road to my Personal media career (Week 2 Unit 3)

The Road to my career

I have done some research of some of the jobs that revolve around 3D modeling I have done this research so that I could find out what the specific job roles and what the skills are that are needed in order to get the job that I am looking for.

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Road to my personal media career (Week 1 Unit 3)

Uses of urban environment in gaming industries 

I am critically comparing the different gaming industries and how many workers they have, the length of time they have been in business and the amount of and the size of the company. I will then compare the amount of detail and depth that is put into creating these environments.

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