


Unit 4 1.2

The Players Experience (Week 6 Unit 4)



In this session we discussed how some games use a story to conflict the players with emotions and the different ways that they do this, we will be analyzing the different emotions in which these story based games could give the players as they play the games.

Throughout the history of games the emotional aspect has changed a lot this is because the amount of technology that has been used, has been improved greatly which this gives a better emotional feel to the game. We discussed trailers of games at the beginning of the session where we watched a few trailers and parts of games that give off a specific emotion to the player.

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The Players experience (Week 5 Unit 4)


In today’s session we discussed the different types of target audiences weather it being neche or a mainstream audience and the differences of the two, we will also discuss the importance of the target audience to the game developers and the development of the game itself.  Continue reading “The Players experience (Week 5 Unit 4)”

Juxtaposition (Week 4 Unit 4)


In this session we discussed what juxtaposition means and how we could create juxtaposition for ourselves, also we had to gather three different examples of juxtaposition in a game that is set within a high foliage environment.

We also had a go at creating our own juxtaposition by creating a poster which demonstrates my understanding of juxtaposition within the image that I will produce.

Continue reading “Juxtaposition (Week 4 Unit 4)”

The players experience (Week 3 Unit 4)

The different ways that sound is portraid in games

At the start of this lesson we was given 4 different games to look at each of them have a different use of sound within them, the first game was 3D monster maze this game didn’t have a lot of sound that was playing in it, it was mostly just a silent game a times that was mainly based for its background music and sound FX there was no narrative within the game play.

Continue reading “The players experience (Week 3 Unit 4)”

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